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Tuesday, Jul 16th 2024

The ACP Legal Association

  • OHADAC and ACP Legal

    The partisans of this project, called OHADAC (Organisation for the Harmonisation of Business Law in the Caribbean), decided to meet within the framework of the association ACP Legal, to help interested Caribbean States to implement the project.

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  • OHADAC in brief

    This brochure has been published by the ACP Legal Association.

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27 Dec 2011

First Joint Meeting of presentation of the OHADA Treaty and OHADAC project at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (U.A.B.), December 21st, 2011.

Under the auspices of Dr. Josep Maria de Dios i Marcer, illustrious Dean of the Faculty of Law at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and the initiative of Dr. Rafael Arenas García, Professor of Private International Law, took place the First OHADA / OHADAC Presentation Meeting in the Conference Room of the Faculty of Law at the U.A.B. with the participation of lawyers from the University of Barcelona, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona, and...

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Published on 2011-12-27, 7:28 pm

Keywords : Arbitrage, Cariforum, Ohada, Projects, Dominican Republic, Venezuela

19 Dec 2011

First Joint Seminar of presentation of the OHADA Treaty and OHADAC project at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, December 21st, 2011, 11.30 AM.


Under the auspices of Dr. Josep Maria de Dios i Marcer, illustrious Dean of the Faculty of Law at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and the initiative of Dr. Rafael Arenas García, Professor of Private International Law, will take place the First OHADA / OHADAC Presentation Seminar in the Conference Room of the Faculty of Law at the UAB in Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona). The Conference, supported by the associations UNIDA, chaired by Judge Seydou Ba, and ACP LEGAL, conducted...

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Published on 2011-12-19, 10:14 am

Keywords : Cariforum, Ohada, Projects, Dominican Republic, Venezuela

20 Jun 2011

Dominican took over as Director General of CARIFORUM.


Mr. Iván Ogando at the Secretary General of the OECS in late February, with Mrs. M. Bini, H. Ramírez and K. Compton from ACP Legal Guadeloupe, Dominican Rep. and Saint Lucia in presence of Ms. V. Paul, Director. The Secretariat of the CARICOM / CARIFORUM announced this week in Guyana, that the Dominican Ivan Ogando Lora took office as the first Director General of CARIFORUM. CARIFORUM is comprised of fourteen member countries of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Haiti and the Dominican Republ...

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Published on 2011-06-20, 2:26 pm

Keywords : Guadeloupe, Dominican Republic, Caricom, Cariforum, Haiti, Projects

24 Oct 2010

Mise en route des projets rédactionnels OHADAC suite aux rencontres de Panama.

Les différentes réunions travail des experts caribéens à Panama ont permis d'arriver à une conclusion, simple, « l'OHADAC est sur les rails, c'est un projet connu et respecté dans toute la Caraïbe qui doit prendre une forme concrète dès à présent ». Dans le cadre de l'acte de constitution d'un Chapitre ACP Legal à Panama, -porteur du projet OHADAC dans l'isthme-, les différents experts réunis à Panama City, conduits par les professeurs Rodolfo Dávalos de Cuba et Gilberto Boutin de Panama ont arr...

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Published on 2010-10-24, 9:45 am

Keywords : Arbitrage, Projects, Meetings, Congress, Cuba, Panama, Meetings

11 May 2009

Nomination du Dr. Román J. Duque-Corredor en qualité de Président de l'Assemblée Directive 2009-2010 de l'Académie des Sciences.

L'association ACP Legal de Promotion du projet OHADAC d'Harmonisation du Droit des Affaires dans les Caraïbes a le plaisir d'informer de la nomination de notre ami, le Dr. Román J. Duque-Corredor en qualité de Président de l'Assemblée Directive 2009-2010 de la très prestigieuse Académie des Sciences Politiques et Sociales du Venezuela.Élu en session du 21 mars 2000, le Dr. Román J. Duque-Corredor s'est incorporé à l'Académie le 9 novembre 2001, après un Discours sur le thème de " la réforme de l...

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Published on 2009-05-11, 9:59 am

Keywords : Projects, Venezuela