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Wednesday, Jul 17th 2024

The ACP Legal Association

  • OHADAC and ACP Legal

    The partisans of this project, called OHADAC (Organisation for the Harmonisation of Business Law in the Caribbean), decided to meet within the framework of the association ACP Legal, to help interested Caribbean States to implement the project.

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  • OHADAC in brief

    This brochure has been published by the ACP Legal Association.

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06 Feb 2016

Création de l'Association pour l'Unification du Droit des affaires en Europe (AUDE).

Communiqué de presse de l'Association pour l'Unification du Droit des affaires en Europe (AUDE). Face à la remise en question du modèle européen, face aux crises de croissance de l'Europe, face aux doutes des citoyens européens sur la capacité de l'Europe à répondre à leurs légitimes aspirations, face aux sirènes des mouvements nationalistes, Conscient de la nécessité de renforcer les liens juridiques et économiques entre les pays frères européens, Sachant que les droits européens tirent leur...

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Published on 2016-02-06, 3:35 pm

05 Feb 2016

Final text of the OHADAC Principles on international commercial contracts.

The final version of the OHADAC Principles on International Commercial Contracts, adopted at the OHADAC Convention held in Pointe-à-Pitre / Jarry, 21 and 22 September 2015, is now available at www.ohadac.com. Contracting parties are free to incorporate the OHADAC Principles rules in their contracts. The OHADAC Principles might be updated or revised in the coming years. Consequently, parties are advised to introduce a reference to the “(2015)” version in the clause choosing the OHADA...

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Published on 2016-02-05, 8:46 am

12 Jan 2016

ACP LEGAL wishes you a happy New Year and all the best for 2016.


As this new year begins, Catherine SARGENTI, President of the ACP LEGAL Association, and her team would like to thank you for your loyalty and wish you joy, good health and success in 2016. ACP Légal hopes that 2016 will be the year that sees the creation and launch of the activities of the OHADAC Center of Arbitration, headquartered in Guadeloupe, following the recruitment of arbitrators based on strict ethical and academic criteria and the training of these arbitrators to “OHADAC...

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Published on 2016-01-12, 11:52 am

09 Jan 2016

Un code européen des affaires pour consolider l'Euro.

Première étape : un code européen des assurances. Les récentes interrogations autour de l'Euro ont révélé la fragilité d'une construction monétaire ne reposant pas sur des fondations juridiques communes : il importe de consolider la zone Euro en la fondant sur un système codifié de droit des affaires unifié, ciment des entreprises et vecteur de convergence. Dans le cadre des coopérations renforcées permises par les traités européens, la mise place d'un code européen des affaires, sur...

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Published on 2016-01-09, 11:47 pm

22 Dec 2015

International arbitration / Obligations of revelation, independence and impartiality of the arbitrators / Judgement of the Court of Cassation (final instance of appeal in France) of Dec. 16, 2015 / Henri ALVAREZ / FASKEN MARTINEAU DUMOULIN LLP law firm.

We refer to the newsletters dated: Oct. 14, 2014; Oct. 16, 2014; Jan. 16, 2015; Mar. 9, 2015; Mar. 25, 2015; Jun. 5, 2015. As part of its actions to promote international arbitration and ethics of arbitrators, provided through their independence and impartiality, the site www.ohadac.com informs you that on December 16, 2015, the First Civil Chamber of the French Court of Cassation issued a remarkable judgement, confirming a decision of the Court of Appeals of Paris of October 14, 2014 canceling...

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Published on 2015-12-22, 9:48 pm