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The ACP Legal Association

  • OHADAC and ACP Legal

    The partisans of this project, called OHADAC (Organisation for the Harmonisation of Business Law in the Caribbean), decided to meet within the framework of the association ACP Legal, to help interested Caribbean States to implement the project.

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  • OHADAC in brief

    This brochure has been published by the ACP Legal Association.

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The OHADA Law and its integration in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Thursday March 29th., at the Brussels Bar Association

06 03 2012

The Democratic Republic of Congo will know very soon a legislative upheaval of huge importance. Indeed, after the OHADA Treaty (Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa) came into effect, a new business law will be applicable in this large country.

A mini legal revolution will take place.

Due to the immediately applicable effect of the Uniform Acts which were adopted in the wake of the OHADA Treaty, many law matters will be entirely replaced by new texts: arbitration, general commercial law, company law, law of companies in difficulty, security law, etc. Moreover a common Court of appeal was created for the States signatories of the Treaty.

The close links of cousinage existing between the Congolese and the Belgian Laws are well-known. They came from the colonial time.

It appeared convenient to the Brussels Bar Association (OFABB and NOAB), to make a contribution to the application of this new law within the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Three seminars were organized, in Lubumbashi (January 25th, 2012), in Brussels (March 29th., 2012) and in Kinshasa (April 19th., 2012).

Congolese and Brussels lawyers and magistrates were invited to collaborate in the creation of these seminars as well as in the drafting of a unique work about the effects of the OHADA law on the Congolese substantive law.


March 29th., 2012

13h00 Participants welcome (sandwiches)
13h30 Words of welcome (D. van GERVEN, President of the NOAB Bar Association)

First Part
Moderator: Patrick DE WOLF

13h45 Introduction: the Ohada treaty and institutions - transitory law (G. BAKANDEJA, professor, University of Kinshasa, lawyer at the Kinshasa-Matete Bar Association)
14h10 Jurisdictional Organization and arbitration (Ivan VEROUGSTRAETE, Pres. Hon. Supreme Court of Belgium)
14h30 The arbitration uniform act (Nicolas ANGELET, Professor, ULB and VUB lawyer)
14h50 Recovery of debts (G. BAKANDEJA)
15h10 General business law (Marc DAL, lawyer)
15h30 Coffee-Break

Second Part

16h00 Company Law (Patrick DE WOLF, UCL Senior lecturer, lawyer)
16h20 The uniform act relating to securities organization (V. SAGAERT, KUL and UIA professor, lawyer)
16h40 Bankrupcy Law (Werner DERIJCKE, UCL senior lecturer, lawyer)
17h00 Accounting law (Michel DE WOLF, UCL professor, President of the company auditors Institute and Ruddy KINGOMBE, junior company auditor)
17h20 Conclusions (Ivan VEROUGSTRAETE)
17h45 Closing speech (Jean-Pierre BUYLE, President OFABB Bar Association)
18h00 Drink

Joint Organization NOAB and OFABB

Practical Information

Language: French with Dutch Power Point
Place Auditorium ING, av Marnix 24, 1000 Brussels
Publication: a book has been especially published by the Bruylant editions
Price: ?125 (including book, sandwiches, drink) ?80 (without book)
Register: ohada@barreaudebruxelles.be, Account BE30 6300 2150 0111 on behalf of “Brussels Bar Association”, with the following title “OHADA conference March 29th., 2012”
Please register before March 20th., 2012

Published on 2012-03-06, 8:34 pm
