
Presentation by the OHADAC Regional Arbitration Centre (CARO centre) to company beneficiaries of the “TEECA” programme (Trade Enhancement for Eastern Caribbean)

Published on 2021-11-08, 12:31 pm

The team heading the OHADAC project was invited to give a presentation on 15 October 2021 about the services provided by the OHADAC Regional Arbitration Centre (CARO Centre) in the implementation of the TEECA programme by the Martinique Chamber of Commerce, project leader, and its partners the Collectivity of Martinique, the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and the Caribbean Export Development Agency.

The presentation was led remotely and jointly by Marie-Camille Pitton, Secretary-General of the CARO Centre, and Solène Balaguette, legal expert at the CARO Centre.

The TEECA programme (Trade Enhancement for Eastern Caribbean) receives funds from the Interreg Caribbean programme to boost trade in the Caribbean. The TEECA programme was launched in January 2018 and 30 first-time exporters from the OECS zone have benefited from it to date.

The presentation was simultaneously in French and English, for francophone and anglophone companies benefiting from the programme and representing the sectors of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), environment, agro-processing, fashion and music.

These presentations have enabled francophone and anglophone entrepreneurs to explain the issues they have encountered when it comes to international trade in the region and also to discuss the customised and affordable services offered by the CARO Centre for preventing disputes (using expertise and facilitation services) and in a dispute situation (mediation and arbitration).

Marie-Camille Pitton and Solène Balaguette thus explained how the insertion of various OHADAC clauses is designed to help secure international trade in the region.

To learn more about the Martinique Chamber of Commerce and Industry's TEECA programme, please click the following link:

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